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2019-2020 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide
This guide provides pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers throughout the Midwest and surrounding states. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application. This guide combines and replaces the Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide (PM 1375) and the Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (PM 1282) into one easy to use reference manual.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers
The 2020 edition of the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers is a collaboration of land-grant universities from eight states. It provides vegetable production information that is valid in the participating states for the current year. This includes fertility, variety, cultural, and pest management recommendations. Many updates have been made to create a more user friendly experience.

2021-2022 Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide
Sorry, this publication is currently sold out. This guide provides pest management recommendations for commercial tree fruit, small fruit, and grape producers throughout the Midwest and surrounding states. These recommendations have been formulated to provide up-to-date information on pesticides and their application. This guide combines and replaces the Midwest Tree Fruit Spray Guide (PM 1375) and the Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (PM 1282) into one easy to use reference manual.
PDF version can be found here.